Is it Better to Live in an Apartment or Villa in Dubai?

Living in a Property in Dubai      

Living in Dubai is considered to be one of the best options for the ones who are in love with the luxurious life it has to offer. However, when one decides to live in Dubai, whether a citizen or a foreigner, there are many factors he/she must take into consideration when it comes to living in a property in Dubai.      

Whether an apartment in Dubai or a villa in Dubai, both have pros and cons, and each is suitable for a specific category of people. Living in an apartment or in a villa in Dubai does not only consist of buying the place or renting it, it also includes everything that comes after.      

Living in Dubai does not look like living anywhere else; it is considered to be somewhat more expensive than other cities and countries. That is why there are many factors that must be taken into consideration.      

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Pros of Living in an Apartment in Dubai      

Living in an apartment in Dubai is beneficial for the following reasons:      

·         Low Price      

The price of an apartment is somewhat affordable in Dubai, especially if it is a small apartment for a limited number of individuals living in it. Even if one wanted to rent an apartment and not buy it, it is still cheaper than buying other bigger places such as a villa for example.      

·         Fewer Additional Costs      

Living in an apartment is considered to be affordable in terms of additional costs such as furniture, power, water, maintenance, cleaning and other costs. That being said, all it takes is a reasonable amount of money to be spent once individuals move into an apartment.      

·         Cozy and Convenient      

To live in an apartment is to live in a small, cozy place one can call home. No extra free spaces that are not useful, no large spaces that need to be filled, and most importantly, it is convenient in terms of the space and the number of individuals living in it.      

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Cons of Living in an Apartment in Dubai      

Living in an apartment in Dubai has cons as well, such as:      

·         Small Space      

Some individuals find themselves obliged to live in an apartment even if they do not really want to for financial reasons or for other reasons as well. Therefore, the apartment might be too small for them and they might not feel comfortable in it, especially if the number of people living together is above 5.      

·         Shared Building & Neighbors      

One of the major disadvantages of living in an apartment in Dubai is the shared building and the large number of neighbors. Some feel that they are not comfortable since they feel that they are being watched all the time and they have to be careful most of the time.      

·         Inappropriate for Gatherings      

To live in an apartment is to forget about hosting events and gatherings. The reason is that apartments are usually small and the living room, as well as the dining room, might not be big enough to fit a large number of people. This is considered to be a major problem for the ones who love to host gatherings at their place.      


Pros of Living in a Villa in Dubai      

Living in a villa in Dubai has many pros, including:      

·         Huge Place      

Living in a villa in Dubai is living in a huge space that can welcome up to 10 people and even more. Some like huge places with so many rooms and areas that they can benefit from, making life in a villa in Dubai the best option.      

·         Gathering Option Available      

Obviously, individuals who live in a villa in Dubai can host events, dinners, breakfasts, brunches, lunches, tea parties, and other events. This advantage makes living in a villa in Dubai worth the cost and the big space.      

·         Separate Place      

Usually, individuals who live in a villa in Dubai are from the same family, eliminating the option of having neighbors in the same building. This makes it possible for individuals to feel comfortable in their own homes. They can listen to music, rest, or even peacefully drink coffee, without being affected by outside noises.      

·         Outdoor Space      

More often than not, villas include outdoor spaces such as a garden or a free space where individuals can add furniture or use it for other purposes. Many believe that outdoor spaces that are not shared with anybody else make living in a villa in Dubai a great experience.      

Cons of living in a Villa in Dubai      

Living in a villa in Dubai has many cons as well, including:      

·         High Price      

Obviously, the price of a villa in Dubai is much more expensive than the price of an apartment or a flat. That being said, one has to keep in mind that he/she will have to pay a lot of money to buy a villa or even if it is for rent. Both ways, it is still expensive.      

·         Additional Costs      

There are additional costs such as extra furniture, water, extra power since it is a huge place, gas, cleaning services, and more. Not to mention that individuals who live in villas are called to handle these for themselves.      

·         Feeling Isolated      

While it is nice to live in a place that does not contain neighbors or shared spaces, individuals living in a villa in Dubai might feel that they are isolated and not at all close to other living areas and compounds. Villas in Dubai might also be far from shopping centers.      

·         Transportation      

A villa in Dubai is likely to be located outside the center of the town, lessening transportation options. Therefore, if individuals want to live in a villa in Dubai, they will need to take transportation into consideration.      

Villa in Dubai 

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Who Lives in an Apartment in Dubai?      

Many individuals choose to live in an apartment in Dubai for the advantages it has. Though it is a matter of preference, individuals usually prefer to live in an apartment in Dubai for the price, the space, the location, and the other benefits it has. Whether buying an apartment or renting it, both ways, it is still much cheaper than living in a villa in Dubai.      

Here are some examples of the ones who usually choose to live in an apartment in Dubai:      

·         Small families      

·         Employees      

·         Students      

·         Teenagers      

·         Individuals who like to socialize with neighbors      

·         Individuals who need transportation      

Who Lives in a Villa in Dubai?      

Keeping things very clear, to live in a villa in Dubai is for a specific category of individuals. And unlike popular beliefs, not all rich people choose to live in a villa in Dubai since it is a matter of preference.      

Here are some examples of the ones who prefer to live in a villa in Dubai:      

·         Big families with up to 10 members      

·         Business people who host events in their villas      

·         More than one family living together (for example: 2 or 3 brothers and their families)      

·         Individuals who prefer to live peacefully and quietly      

Is Living in a Villa in Dubai Expensive?      

Obviously, living in a villa in Dubai is nothing like living in an apartment, a flat, or a regular house. The reason is quite simple; financial-wise, everything differs. That being said, if individuals want to buy a villa in Dubai, they have to keep in mind that it might cost them millions of dollars, especially if it is fully furnished and it includes everything.      

The same goes for the ones who want to rent a villa in Dubai. Rent in Dubai is already considered expensive compared to other countries, and renting a villa in Dubai is no exception as it is much more expensive than renting a simple apartment or another place.      

Nonetheless, living in a villa in Dubai does not only consist of the price of the villa, but it also consists of extra expenses and bills such as electricity, water, maintenance, cleaning services, additional furniture, etc.      

That being said, to live in a villa in Dubai is to bear in mind that there indeed are many bills and additional expenses to pay. In addition to that, the bigger the place, the higher chances of damage and problems. That is why individuals who decide to live in a villa in Dubai must always be financially prepared.      

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Living in a Villa in Dubai: What to Consider      

If individuals want to live in a villa in Dubai, there are so many things to consider. From the bills to life itself, it might be challenging. Living in a villa in Dubai is quite the dream of so many. Therefore, to be able to successfully achieve this goal, individuals might consider the following questions:      

1.   Can I afford the price of the villa in Dubai?      

2.   Is my job stable?      

3.   Am I ready to pay for the additional expenses such as the electricity bill, water bill, gas, extra furniture, and more?      

4.   Am I okay with living in a big house?      

5.   Am I okay with being far away from shopping malls and restaurants?      

6.   Am I going to live in it by myself?      

7.   Will I be able to manage the big villa in Dubai?      

8.   Am I able to pay for the cleaning services?      

9.   Do I have my own car?      

10.        Do I need public transportation?      

11.   Am I able to take care of the outdoor spaces such as the garden?     

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Is It Better to Live in an Apartment or Villa in Dubai?      

Living in an apartment in Dubai has both pros and cons, just like living in a villa in Dubai.      

In a nutshell, living in a villa in Dubai is very suitable for big families who wish to enjoy tranquility, quietness, and independence, away from neighbors, shared spaces, and the additional noises that might be present. That being said, if individuals have what it takes, living in a villa in Dubai might be one of the best options.      

On the flip side, living in an apartment is more suitable for smaller families and single people who want to make the best out of the social, financial, and cultural character of Dubai and who do not have any problem living next to neighbors and in shared buildings.      

In the end, it remains a matter of preference as you can find big families who are financially capable of living in a villa in Dubai, living in an apartment or you can find small families living in a villa in Dubai.       

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