Factors to Consider When Looking for Renting an Apartment in UAE

Finding the right apartment or home to rent is daunting. It is not quite different from finding a house to buy. Eventually, you might spend years in the house you will rent till it feels like your own so, just like you inspect, invest in, and take good care of the house you buy, you cannot neglect the inspections and repairs that the house you rent might need.   

#1 Start Your Search 60 Days Prior to Your Move   

The secret is to plan ahead. Often renters find themselves looking for another apartment in the last minutes prior to their moving. Their options are thus limited, and they might seek anything available and sacrifice their needs or desires just to get under a roof.   

That’s why it is always important to start your apartment search a minimum of two months ahead of your moving deadline so you will have the necessary time to go through nice apartments, find apartments, short-list, and wisely pick the best one in terms of price, location, space, and amenities.   

The earliest you start, the less competition there will be and the best properties will still be available.   

New apartments 

#2 Don’t Be Fooled by Scams   

When we search for new apartments, the easiest and fastest way we begin is by writing the famous “apartments for rent near me” in our Google box search. Little do we know that’s the best way to make scammers reach us.    

How to spot scams?    

Online scams, particularly ads that appear on sites and require you to provide your credit card information to pay a deposit fee to let you see or visit the apartment are absolute scams! No one should ask for a deposit to show you an apartment. This thing doesn’t exist.   

Also, be careful when renting an apartment directly from a private or anonymous person because you will be giving a total stranger your Social Security number and your bank account information and they will likely run a credit check on you- which is quite not logical!    

#3 The Landlord   

Your landlord can be the best or worst part of your renting experience. If you stumble upon a bad landlord – one with bad characters, ethics, and boundaries – you may end up in a rental nightmare (or worse!). To prevent this from happening, try to meet with your landlord or at least have a small chat with him over the phone.    

#4 Hire a Real Estate Agent   

If you want to find the best rental deals and avoid being scammed, it's a good idea to hire a professional realtor or expert real estate agent for help.   

Not only hiring a real estate agent is more secure but it will make the whole process easier. Pick one real estate agent that you trust that has the reputation, experience, and most importantly wide connections or relations.   

#5 Quality Inspection    

Don’t trust those gorgeous photoshop pictures you see online. Before you rent, you should arrange to see the place in person. The flaws of any apartment can be hidden in pictures and sometimes by the landlord himself. Sometimes deeper problems may also not appear in pictures. As you peruse the apartment, it is crucial that you inspect it. Get specialized help from house inspectors to inspect bug problems, leaky areas, paint, mold, broken heat and air conditioning systems, rust, doors and windows, walls, roof, and other electrical problems.   

#6 Roommates or no Roommates   

This is often a financial decision rather than a fun one! If you can’t afford the monthly rent of the apartment alone, having a roommate is an option to consider. Yes, it has its advantages being able to split the monthly bill, and the more roommates you’ll have the less amount you’re likely to pay.  But it can have disadvantages as well and you would want to make a few preliminary agreements with your roommates(bills, cleanliness, noises, etc).    

If you have your best friend to share the house with then you’re lucky! And if you don’t,  before moving into an apartment with total strangers, get to know them beforehand, chances are they want to get to know you as well.   

Don’t be afraid to ask for references. You can use social media – LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook – to look for potential roommates that suit you.   

#7 Is the Location Convenient?   

Narrow your house-hunting search by choosing a location based on your priorities and surroundings. A certain apartment may look like the lap of luxury, but if it's going to make your commute a total pain, it might not be worth it. Between the infrequent trains and increased travel costs, you could end up spending a lot of time and money so you know it is better to look for other apartments to rent.    

Where you will be living matters as much as the inside of your apartment. Ideally, you’ll want a place close to work, school, essential shops, pharmacies, gas stations, public transportation, and attraction parks.    

#8 Who Lived Here Before, and Why Are They Leaving?   

When you're talking to a seller about their property, it's always good to ask why they're selling. But you can also get some valuable information by asking about the tenants they've had in the past. The fact that previous tenants lived in the property for a long time before moving out to buy their own place suggests that it was a good and affordable apartment to live in whereas a long list of short lets might suggest an unpleasant property or a difficult landlord.    

#9 The Neighborhood & Neighbors    

In addition to the location, carefully consider the potential neighbors. Don’t hesitate to ask your landlord about your neighbors, and if you're not satisfied with his answers, ask neighbors, previous residents, or existing roommates. If they start to complain about various neighbors, RUN. No one wants to deal with inconsiderate or disrespectful neighbors.   

Before signing your rental agreement or rent contract, walk around the neighborhood to get a sense of the community. That’s how you’ll be able to better assess the general demographics of the neighborhood by spending some time in it. You should also investigate the area’s safety record by asking the municipality.   

#10 Budget, Additional Fees & Long-Term Costs   

First and foremost, can you reasonably afford to rent that apartment you chose? You must assess your finances before really contemplating an apartment.   

Always look for apartments that suit your budget and apartments for rent under your budget. Because there are always unexpected additional costs you’ll be dealing with in the long run.    

Another thing you should do is check whether the price of rent is inclusive or exclusive of gas, water, electricity, and internet. Also ask, if  there are any long-term costs you have to pay such as maintenance, cleaning service, garbage service, etc.)   

#11 Amenities   

When choosing a rental apartment, make sure to consider its amenities. If you’re renting in an apartment building, you’ll need to make sure the amenities fit your lifestyle. Examples include: do you require a doorman or additional security? Perhaps an elevator? Does the apartment have the “white ” amenities: fridge, dishwasher, washer, dryer, heat system, cooling system, etc? Now if you’re on a tight budget, chances are that you are most likely to make a few compromises and sacrifices on the amenities. Whatever it is, make sure you can deal with the situation before signing a lease.   

Apartment Amenities Checklist:   

Here are some basic amenities associated with apartment living:   

  • Outdoor Grilling Areas / Picnic Areas   
  • Playgrounds   
  • Refrigerator   
  • Dishwasher   
  • Washer and Dryer   
  • Microwave   
  • Heating/Cooling System   
  • Furniture   
  • Essential Kitchen Appliances   
  • Balconies   
  • Garage   
  • Elevator   
  • Parking   
  • Outside Garbage Bins Disposal   
  • Security Cameras/Alarms   
  • Interphone   

#12 Needs VS Wants   

Determining the difference between your rental wants and rental needs will help you save time and money. Don't go overboard when shopping before you move in.    

Of course, when you're moving into a new place, you will need to get a lot of stuff but it's important to figure out what your must-haves are. You should sit down, write a shortlist of the things you can't live without, and then filter that list down over and over to the essentials. Don't be afraid to give up some of your material possessions at first. Maybe you can get them after you move in or when you finish all the rental payments and fees that you have to pay.    

#13 Restrictions   

Included in the lease should be your landlord’s restriction policies. If you have a pet or plan on getting one, you should let your landlord know that. You'll want to know things like whether or not they charge a pet deposit, if that deposit is refundable, what types of pets are allowed, and weight limitations on the pet. For instance, if you live in an apartment building, you may only be allowed to have a dog or cat up to 20-25 pounds.   

If you also want to smoke inside, or come home late at night, ask the owner about any of these related restrictions. Many rentals don't allow noises, smoking, or people coming in late.   

#14 The Lease   

Before signing your rental lease, we strongly recommend having a local realtor or lawyer look over the lease to make sure it’s:    

  1.  legitimate.    
  2. a standard  lease with no extra hidden or tacit surprises    
Renting an apartment 

You should also read over the lease yourself to make sure it fits your needs as well. For instance, if you intend on subletting your apartment in the future, does this lease allow you to do this? Does it allow you to change the apartment decor or the color of the walls or to make any other changes to the apartment? Be sure to also check: whether the lease is a 3-month, 6-month, one-year, or month-to-month type of lease; when the rent is due each month; if roommate sharing is permitted; how many roommates can live there; who is responsible for the maintenance and damages repairing; is there a deposit?; whether your deposit is refundable and refund policy; and what other rules may apply.   

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