What is Property Management and Why Do You Need One

What is Property Management?   

Property management is a real estate term that refers to the care and upkeep of properties-  be it residential, commercial, or industrial properties by a third-party contractor.    

It is a day-to-day process and practice where property managers(third-party contractor) take responsibility for routine operations like repairs and ongoing maintenance, security, and other property needs to make sure properties retain value and ensure that the needs of residents are satisfied while also making some investment. Property managers usually work for the owners of investment properties, such as people who own apartments, compounds and complexes, lands, private home communities, shopping centers, and industrial parks.   

Property managers would thus perform daily oversight operations of the property, as well as help manage and address any inquiries or concerns of the building's occupants.   

Property management services 

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What Services Does a Property Manager Provide? - What to Expect from Your Property Manager?   

A property manager's responsibilities often include the following:   

  • Marketing for and screening prospective tenants   
  • Handling tenant issues   
  • Setting rent   
  • Collecting rent   
  • Making sure payments are received on time   
  • Drafting, signing, and renewing leases on behalf of property owners   
  • Maintaining properties inside out   
  • Scheduling and tracking maintenance    
  • Arranging for necessary repairs   
  • Creating and sticking to property maintenance budgets   
  • Managing finances and records   
  • Pursuing evictions   

Property managers/ duties will vary based on the type of property that is being managed, the amount they are getting paid, and the terms of the management contract.   

Property managers are professionals who ensure that a property is run according to the landlords’ instructions, whether those instructions are financial or based on providing appealing living conditions, or both. Individual property owners may give verbal instructions on their aims for the site, while corporate property owners may issue mission and vision statements for their assets. Depending on the approach, the managing agent and the landlord will need to work together to assure delivery.   

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Who Needs Property Management?   

Do you need property management services? How to find out?   

Property managers are hired by landlords for a variety of reasons. Some may have multiple rental properties and deal with individual tenants but lack the time or expertise to maintain and manage them.    

It comes down to this:   

  • People who own multiple properties or rental units   
  • People who don’t live next to their rental property   
  • People with limited time who are too busy to manage their own property    
  • People who don't know how to manage their own property   
  • People who can afford the cost. Because why not?   
  • People who are not interested in hands-on management   

Why Now is a Good Time to Buy Property in UAE? 

You almost certainly have major time constraints. You undoubtedly have a full-time job, family obligations, and a lot more on your plate every day. You could have spent that minute doing something else instead of dealing with tenants. Here's an area of time management that isn't typically discussed, but should be. Assume you don't have to answer midnight phone calls to fix a leaking faucet or spend a weekend chasing down a contractor to clean up the damage a fallen tree has left behind. In that situation, you can concentrate on locating new investment properties to buy, which would significantly boost your income.   

Absentee landlords or landlords who live in different states or countries also make use of property management services while they’re away  and if you have a vacation home that you rent out, there are property management companies who cater specifically to individual landlords like you.   

Other owners may only have an interest in owning rental properties and earning profits from them. If these cases apply, then you need to hire professional property managers.   

In addition, property owners who engage in affordable housing programs frequently hire property management services because with so much at stake, their rental properties are subject to complex federal standards that require specific expertise.    

Last but not least, it's critical to maintain a distance between yourself and your tenants and some landlords. Just like any professional business, property rental is no different. Getting overly connected with your tenants on a personal level can lead to issues. Your best interests are benefited by maintaining a completely professional relationship with your tenants.   

So, if any of these scenarios relate to you, suit you, and are exactly what you're looking for, property management services are required.   


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What Are the Benefits of Using a Property Manager?    

As a real estate investor or landlord, one of the most informed decisions you'll have to make is whether or not to engage a property manager to oversee your rental properties. Because are you capable of managing your properties on your own? Some people are quite good at it. Most landlords, however, would benefit from hiring a competent property manager. Whatever path you choose, being well-informed will help you make the best decision possible and can help avoid significant costly mistakes.   

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Why Appoint a Property Management Company?    

Professional property management services could spell the difference between huge success and disaster. If you don’t want your property to become an eyesore in the urban landscape, and potentially dangerous to its inhabitants, then you should consider hiring a property management company.   

#1 Maintaining and Enhancing the Value of the Property   

Owning rental property, regardless of type, may be extremely profitable; yet, without the correct tools, you'll quickly learn that it's time-consuming and tough. Regular inspections and prompt response to any property repair or maintenance concerns will improve the building's condition and so help to maintain its worth. In an up-cycle market, improving underlying value is critical, while protecting value is critical in a down-cycle market.   

#2 Lowering Maintenance and Repair Costs   

Any maintenance issues will be identified by a property management company, and solutions will be recommended to fix them before they become larger, more costly problems down the road.   

#3 With a Property Manager, You Will Make More Money Over Time   

By locating the ideal renters and managing all areas of your landlord-tenant interactions, a professional property manager will save you money in the long run (collect rents, take care of routine and emergency repairs, handle conflict situations, etc.).    

When one of your properties becomes unoccupied, a professional property manager knows how to rapidly identify appropriate new renters, reducing income loss. Also, do you know how much rent you should charge? A professional management business will do detailed market analyses to determine the appropriate rental pricing for your properties, striking the crucial balance between increasing income and achieving a low vacancy rate.   

#4 Helping in Tenant/Occupier Attraction and Retention   

Nobody wants to live or work in a dilapidated structure. Commercial landlords would find it difficult to lure businesses to the development, much alone demand higher rents. In a decrepit apartment building, it would be difficult for apartment owners to lease their flats.   

#5 Property Managers Know the Law   

The fact that these professionals ensure full compliance with the law is the second reason why you should hire a property management firm.   

Regulations are frequently enacted in the real estate market, particularly in the rental property sector. You must follow all applicable laws, including those governing fair housing, disclosures, municipal regulations, local ordinances, and state laws.   

Most states require rental property management companies to be licensed by the local real estate board in most jurisdictions, thus property owners must verify that the companies they choose are officially licensed before they hire them. If you want to prevent legal problems, be sure you follow all state and federal rules governing discrimination when screening and selecting tenants. The most effective way to evict a tenant is to hire a skilled property manager who knows how to do so within legal bounds. In spite of winning a lawsuit from an unhappy tenant, legal fees can amount to thousands of dollars. Hire a rental property manager and get rid of all your worries, on top of the typical legal challenges you have to deal with.   

#6 Safety   

A building that has deteriorated is dangerous. Flooding and electrical hazards can be caused by leaking pipes or badly maintained plumbing. A proper maintenance program is required for lift mechanisms and large plant gear. Mold and structural damage may arise from prolonged water exposure.   

#7 Peace of Mind for Owners   

Because a property manager is in charge of the common areas in the complex, the landlord or homeowner does not have to deal directly with vendors or contractors, supervise repair work, or worry about the building's upkeep. This gives them peace of mind and allows them to focus on other important aspects of their business or spend their time more productively.   

Peace of mind means that in regards to the entire  property management equation – from dealing with tenants, to managing rents, to maintaining your properties, addressing legal concerns, budget and time management - throughout the whole experience – you can lay your head down at night and say, “My property manager has got this.”   

#8 Sustainability   

With the increased focus on sustainability, a property manager – with the help of other consulting activities within the firm – will be able to advise strategies to improve tenant comfort, conserve energy, and optimize space utilization in the building. This will usually result in decreased asset operating expenses, which will benefit both the owner and the occupier.   

Real property management 

How Much Does Property Management Cost?   

The price of employing a property manager is determined by the level of responsibilities you want them to assume. The majority of real estate management companies charge a monthly fee of 8%–12% of the monthly rent received. If your home rents for $1,200 per month, the property management cost would be $120 based on a 10% average rate.    

Pay close attention to how your contract fee structure is written so you know exactly how this baseline management cost is calculated.   

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How Can I Find a Good Property Manager?   

If you want to hire a property management company, do it with caution. This is how:   

Colleagues and your local apartment association can provide advice but always refer to professional advice from a real property management provider or licensed property manager.   

On the internet, look for professional real estate companies but be aware of frauds, and never pay a fee for any kind of registration.   

And finally, before handing over the reins, prepare a list of questions and interview companies to get all of your queries answered.   

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