A Guide to Golden Visa in the UAE

Golden Visa UAE     

Golden visa UAE is almost the dream of everyone. Implemented in 2019, it typically is a long-term residence visa that enables foreigners to reside, study, and even work in the United Arab Emirates for up to 10 years. Golden visa UAE comes with plenty of benefits one can enjoy.     

As for these benefits, they are:     

·         Long-terms and renewable residence visa that is valid for 10 years     

·         Entry visa for 6 months and many entries     

·         Self-sponsored visa     

·         Ability to reside outside of the United Arab Emirates for over 6 months     

·         Ability to sponsor an unlimited number of domestic helpers     

·         Ability to sponsor family members regardless of the age     

·         In case the primary holder of the golden visa UAE passes away, family members are allowed to stay in the United Arab Emirates until the permit duration is over     

Find out more about eServices that are linked to the golden visa UAE .     

Golden visa UAE

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Golden Visa UAE Categories     

Many can get the chance to benefit from the golden visa UAE. The list includes the following:     

·         Entrepreneurs     

·         Investors     

·         Exceptional talents     

·         Students     

·         Graduates     

·         Scientists     

·         Frontline heroes (doctors and nurses)     

·         Professionals     

·         Humanitarians     

Discover the       eligibility for a golden visa UAE .     

Golden Visa UAE: How Much Does It Cost?     

Golden visa UAE is not as expensive as one might think, as it typically varies based on the visa category as well as the type of service.     

If you want to apply for the golden visa UAE from the United Arab Emirates, it might cost you anywhere between AED2,800 and AED3,800.     

On the other hand, if you want to apply for the golden visa UAE and you are outside the United Arab Emirates, you might pay anywhere between AED3,800 and AED4,800.   

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Does the Golden Visa UAE Offer Foreigners Permanent Residency?     

The golden visa UAE does not offer foreigners permanent residency in the United Arab Emirates. What it offers is a long-term residence visa for up to 10 years. It is important to mention that it is renewable, all based on the golden visa UAE category.     

Required Documents to Apply for Golden Visa UAE     

Many documents are required to apply for golden visa UAE. These documents might include the following:     

·         Bank statements     

·         Letters from government entities     

·         Documents related to the golden visa UAE category     

·         Identification documents     

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Golden Visa UAE and Sponsorship Options     

Getting the golden visa UAE allows you to sponsor:     

·         Spouses     

·         Children     

·         Parents     

·         Dependent siblings     

It is crucial to mention that it depends on the golden visa UAE category.     

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Can All Nationalities and Ethnicities Apply for a Golden Visa UAE?     

The UAE makes it possible for people from all ethnicities and nationalities to apply for a golden visa UAE. No matter the gender or the country of origin, this scheme offers exceptional opportunities and boosts talents and investments from all around the world.     

How to Apply for a Golden Visa UAE?     

Here are the steps to follow if you want to apply for a golden visa UAE:     

1-   Download the GDRFA-Dubai application. It is available on both Apple Store and Play Store.     

2-   Register     

3-   Select the service     

4-   Attach all the required documents     

5-   Pay the respective fees     

6-   Submit your request     

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Countries that Offer Golden Visas     

The golden visa is offered by many other governments in the world, including:     

·         Canada     

·         Austria     

·         Ireland     

·         Anguilla     

·         Germany     

·         Greece     

·         New Zealand     

·         Portugal     

·         Switzerland     

·         Turkey     

·         United State of America     

·         The United Kingdom     

·         Spain     

·         Malta     

·         Singapore     

·         The Cayman Islands     

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Why get the golden visa UAE?     

Many wonder why bother applying for the golden visa UAE, when they might be living in secure countries where they have everything. The reason is quite simple; the UAE has proven over the years that it is one of the best countries in the whole world to live in. Whether economy-wise, investment-wise, or even for a secure and guaranteed future, the golden visa UAE is the door that might be able to unlock unlimited opportunities.     

The UAE aims at encouraging talents and boosting the investment industry, which is why it found a way to welcome foreigners who wish to make their dreams come true. Let alone the fact that when someone gets the golden visa UAE, they get to benefit from what the country has to offer.     


-       https://u.ae/en/information-and-services/visa-and-emirates-id/residence-visa/getting-the-golden-visa#:~:text=The%20Golden%20visa%20is%20a,eligible%20for%20the%20Golden%20visa .     

-       https://blog.wego.com/golden-visa-uae/     

-       https://www.adro.gov.ae/golden-visa     

-       https://www.gdrfad.gov.ae/en/services?id=2e7da555-f815-11eb-0320-0050569629e8     

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